Friday, April 3, 2020

So what's new?

Do I want to do this? Maybe yes, maybe no.

First, an apology to past readers of this blog for my disappearing without a word. There were two reasons. I couldn't in good conscience keep violating the political activities clause of my work place and felt too stifled by its restrictions. The other reason - I was very ill and it was getting worse. It's been sorted out and I am much better, stable and since I quit work due to health reasons, I no longer have a conflict with work policies and shooting my mouth off. It was difficult for me to tell people I was sick. The downside is the meds that keep things at bay suppress my immune system so I am completely under house arrest right now.

What made me decide to write again was that, being a prisoner,  I get so many phone calls from friends and family concerning the current pandemic. "hey, I read this it true? Can you find out for me?" "Can you catch Covid 19 twice?" "Do masks protect you?" "Can people really be that stupid?" "How long will this last?"

And there are the calls where people just need to talk. They need to express how saddened they are at how many people are behaving...poorly. They need to talk about the powerlessness many of us feel in the face of this global crisis, one which is and will continue to impact us forever. Our lives, our world, will never be the same. Our species likes to know what's coming and its unsettling, terrifying not knowing what next year will look like.

Others want to vent at how, despite doing everything they can to be safe, keep others safe, and apply recommendations to do what they can as responsible members of a world super tribe, they can't stop the selfish and the ignorant from making things worse. Its heartbreaking.

And there are the personal stories and concerns. "Grampa is so hurt that I don't want Baby to go inside his house for visits." "Baby is scared, someone yelled at her at the grocery store today and suddenly her world is a hostile place." "I love my brother but how do I tell him he can't visit because he isn't being careful."

There are some excellent resources for information on this crisis and decent articles updating us on events. Our government is doing a good job - in my opinion - of keeping us informed. But what is missing is a place to share stories, experiences, fears, successes, personal advice on just staying sane through this. Maybe there are such venues but I haven't seen any. We need our online coffee shops and clubs with guest speakers so we can get through this together. This health crisis goes far beyond the physical threat - the incredible psychological and emotional toll it is taking and will continue to take is something we can only begin to grasp. I can't even imagine how this will impact children - seeing a safe, free world suddenly become terrifying and limited.

I'll close with a good stats site. It is updated throughout the day and, well...check it out. Read beyond the numbers.

Oh...and a great analysis by Ottlib: Politics During a National Emergency.

Take care all of you.

900ft J.